
 Resonant Fractals        Fractal Matrix        Magnetism        Levitation        Saucers


The observance of the Flying Saucer is one that stimulates the imagination, and may touch something in all of us at a deeply spiritual level.
It is my belief these vehicles may operate on purely vibrational energy.
The shifting of weight has been noted in a few experiments to date based on the arrangement of resonant rods or elements set up to converge on a 15 degree alignment.
The weight of the experimental object is projected outwards off the tips of the angled surfaces.

This is calculated from the platonic form vibration of the spherical atoms, the resonant elements are constructed from.
The Saucer is surrounded by oppositly spining vortexs of descencing frequency vibration towards the center of the craft.
The Weight of the mass is thrown outwards towards the high frequency side of the field.
This creates a reversed tempic field bubble in the Aetheric background medium.
Each frequency shift moving inwards must couple harmonically to the one setting outside it,
as well as downshift the vibrational fields energy.

Methods of Frequency Manipulation

Platonic Form Vibration for Levitation Craft

Sample Charts

 Earth Resoanance 15 degree convergence chart

Elements Fractal Chart Graphic

15 45 expansion angle chart


 Resonant Fractals        Fractal Matrix        Magnetism        Levitation        Saucers