Organizational Unity Concept

"It would appear that we are well along the way to becoming truly civilized, and if we can refrain from committing racial suicide and learn to respect the dignity, divinity and brotherhood of man, we can expect eventually to be welcomed into the great cosmic fraternity of advanced races that inhabit the regions beyond the limits of this little planet." [Wilbert Smith]


Faced with a world today that often seems chaotic and insane, Spirit has forced us to look squarely at the issues of personal Freedom and Organizational unity.

This document is the result of recent events. An inflow set up of a diamagnetic vortex generator and a "slide" accomplished inwards seeking knowledge from the higher consciousness of the advanced cultures. This appears to be how its done.

There is a synergy possible that can allow an advanced culture to choose to progress along both the Scientific and Spiritual paths simultaneously. These basic principles have already been observed in our work with the conscious devices and should be revealed to the populations so that comprehension becomes available as we have observed it.
The one thing we have observed at c_s_s_p is that the devices we are experimenting with will not operate for anyone who is grounded in Emotional turbulence. The operator must be present for the devices to function as so many of our past examples have shown us. Therefore this must become the number one goal of the Organizations as a first step, healing the world of individuals. When Astral battles have ended then mind can become free to advance. We need a new generation of people that are well grounded and emotionally stable and feel loved.

Any new Organization may effect changes but must not destroy or topple the present ones and the transition must be voluntary. The higher goals build on the lower ones and must not enter into conflict with them. While a military is a necessary step for self preservation it is not to become the highest form of decision as it represents the power and control base which is necessary, but not to be given free reign or "secrets" from the higher levels.

The Transition:

The current governments do not trust the individual, and the current individual does not trust the governments. The mistrust filters all the way down to groups and societies that also exist today and sets many in opposition to one another both in personal objectives and in collective segmented groups. This splitting has been obvious in the worlds Religions and it has been hiding in the worlds governments in secrets. It is rooted in "power and control" and therefore an Astral quality based on emotion and fear. It was necessary for the earth to become evenly populated and spread mankind, it is a normal function of nature. The earth is now filled and continued division may lead to chaos and destruction if allowed to escalate to opened conflict. The only solution or alternative is the transition. The conscious choice to move from Astral conflicts to Mental  solutions in the social consciousness. The earth has no more room for divisions.

The model:

If one detaches his awareness and slides into each conscious entity involved, a model is possible that will respect and honor the system at all levels. It is interdependent on a different prevailing attitude, that will grow from trust over time, but works oppositely from both ends of the conscious model. It reflects the model of creation and observes how nature works. It simply arranges the responsible focus of all conscious levels into the synergistic form of life. The outcome is based on Conscious Choice. We can leave no conscious human being behind.

Mental dealings:

The mental aspect of our consciousness must be recognized as the one uniting force of mankind as one consciousness and draws us closer to Source in unity. The following are priorities that will lead to this unity.

Responsibility of the Group Consciousness:

1 - The individual
2 - The group
3 - Humankind
4 - The advanced cultures
5 - Source concept

Responsibility of the individual:

1 - Source concept
2 - The advanced cultures
3 - Humankind
4 - The group
5 - The individual

On the mental plane there must be freedom granted, and all participation must be the free choice of the individual. This list does not represent a thou shall not list, but a thou may achieve list. The individual starts at the bottom and works up as their comprehension grows through their lifetime. The group that has reached the level to recognize this and grant respect and freedom to the individual first will gain the support and trust to progress. The individual that adopts these higher goals will advance the group and the loop will be closed into a synergistic dance of organized life within a culture. Both sides supporting one another.

Astral dealings:

The Astral plane is the source of emotional development and a very real part of any life form in our density. Therefore it must be recognized as a function of life and respected, yet correctly identified as the source of conflict and separations of the human consciousness moving us away from Source. Government or groups may not be allowed to place controls from the Astral perspective and will voluntarily move this direction after critical conscious threshold of the population [Transition].

Responsibility of the Group Consciousness:

1- Source concept
2 - The advanced cultures
3 - Humankind
4 - The group
5 - The individual

Responsibility of the individual:

1 - The individual
2 - The group
3 - Humankind
4 - The advanced cultures
5 - Source concept

We find in this structure of priorities that each individual now becomes responsible for developing his emotional growth as number one and honoring personal "Light within" as the highest goal. The individuals responsibility is to find Source concept within himself and open the outflow of Love to others. Loving self always comes before loving the group, because the ability to love must come before it can be sent to others. A group that recognizes humankind over itself on the emotional plane will accept Spirituality as a real force of nature and accept it into its sciences. It is a true force of nature, and a variable in experiments effecting the successful operation of the conscious devices.

Basics of opposites in balance:

The models construct two supporting forces on each level that enter into a dance of opposite balances. Since the dance is voluntary and offers freedom to each participant it will work from attraction, rather then fear or force of imposing "power and control" which would be limited to the Astral plane of division.

This kind of a model should allow a transcendence to the "mental plane of sanity", for any individual willing to advance, and ensure the survival of the group that nurtures the need of the individual. If people are dying anywhere in the world of mankind, the group is first dedicated to helping these people at the level of their trauma as individuals. Astral force must be acknowledged as a real factor, but the individual suffering is more important for the group consciousness on the mental plane because of the synergistic priority.
This raises the standard of life and quality of life for each individual to the top focus of every group consciousness. After this the focus may move upwards without limits of Astral conflict imposed upon it, and mind will become freed to advance our technology to the levels of the advanced cultures avoiding its destruction.

Personal Freedom and Secrecy:

If an individual freely chooses to leave an organization they must be allowed to take their current knowledge with them and to use their knowledge for the purpose of the greater good of mankind. Secrecy is destructive to humankind and tends to divide and separate and should not be the focus of the corporations that provide necessary life sustaining materials to a society. Secrecy is an Astral function of deception pointed only at hiding information from the group or mankind. All mankind owns the greater knowledge and no group should have the "goal" to seal it, especially if the individual leaves to another group or to operate alone within mankind which is the greater focus.

In an advanced culture, an individual will feel free and safe to approach his government with no fear of being silenced or controlled, if the ideas are grounded in mental function and vision of the greater good of all involved, or the betterment of the individuals. Every individual has the ability to gain all the knowledge of the culture and preserve it where ever they go. There are no secrets and no personal judgments of an Astral nature imposed on them.

The corporate structure:

The corporate structure is now necessary to provide all our basic survival needs and must not be threatened, but will voluntarily change.

Presently the individual who rises to the top of a corporate structure attains both money and power, as long as the corporation profits within their rules and policies within the law.
The well being of the individual at the bottom of the company is considered unimportant and the laborer is considered the enemy of corporate progress and shareholder profits, to be managed by the corporate leaders as well as government. The existing process is couched in secrets designed to protect profits for the corporation and divide the wealth differently based on rising to a position of responsibility.

The bottom line for all business today is considered to be profits, and not the well being of any individual. Loyalty to the corporations is rare and usually only stronger in the people at the very top. The corporations may threaten any individual with loss of gainful employment and thus may remove their ability to eat and to survive or to receive medical treatment. The stock market may reject or destroy any company that does not show high profits. The stock market rewards speculators rather then producers.
The system is presently one of a primitive culture and should be now recognized as such.

The government:

The governments must not be threatened in any way, and will voluntarily be altered only by the individuals reaching a higher Spiritual perspective and adopting the higher priorities.

The governments of todays world are buried in a cloak of secrecy and the "need to know." Designed with an ascending structure of security which takes precedence over all else.
The governments may in fact declare war on one another at random for any Emotional or Religious reasons, or even without reason, and are not motivated to seek peaceful mental solutions that would benefit the individual.
The populations are subjects to the governments and have no choice but follow or be forced into submission.
The governments are bound to the corporations and their profits, and receive higher treatment and respect then the individual. National security can stop technology based on the national economy, and has banned free energy devices.
The public is kept in a state of ignorance and denial so that Presidential decisions and their true reasons are hidden.


Science is our greatest tool for understanding of the physical world and must be preserved and protected.
The current state of science is one of status quo, and ruled by the money sources. Universities conduct research in secret that never becomes public. Discoveries of advanced systems are hidden and silenced. No patents are possible for the OU devices. Science refuses to accept the Spiritual nature of the universe and those in the powerful class seek to maintain secrecy and monetary control over the health and well being of the individual. Science must begin to see the real results of experiments that contain a personal or Spiritual variable, like that of John Hutchison and so many others that must be present for the devices to work.
Because the current science is only opened to half of the reality it is a primitive science.


A strong military is our power base, the solar plexus center, and must not be destroyed or threatened in any way. It will however become recognized as a lower center in an advanced culture and never allowed as the ruling element of the culture and therefore not allowed to keep secrets from the population it supports.

The entire operation of the military is on a need to know basis placing all the power in the hands of a very few at the top. Secrecy is the norm, and information is blocked.
The entire goal of the military is to destroy an enemy in the quickest possible method before they realize what hit them at the cost of its lowest ranking individuals lives.
The advent of the A bomb should have made military combat obsolete, yet it has not, because the top of the military does not set value in the individual, but in the destruction of individuals of the enemy. Leaders do not shoot at leaders.

A powerful swift military is only necessary when dealing with another government that will not function on the mental plane, and chooses to function on the Astral plane.


Books can be written on this subject, however it is very simple if one becomes aware on the conscious planes of awareness beyond the Astral plane.

Religion offers sacred ritual,  places vocabulary on God, attempts to define Spirituality, and lays out a moral code for Astral existence. They are necessary for those who have not yet gained a higher vision, or have not opened to the heart center and can discern what the Light truly is. Those who are unaware of "God within" or have not experienced the Light need Religion for security and faith. Religion is also buried in secrecy and controlled by a very few at the top of the organizations also enjoying tax breaks the individual does not receive. Governments often use Religion as a basis for wars and also honor these organizations over the individual.

This aspect of Religions function is nearing its end as now the world is clearly divided into many opposing ideologies of Source concept based on separation of the good from the evil. Good and evil are creations of the Astral plane of awareness and are not qualities of Source concept or unity of oneness found within the Light or the advanced cultures. They are qualities of Emotion and division. They deny the oneness of mankind consciousness as one consciousness and one culture. The conscious devices will quicken this awakening for the individual and Spiritual discovery will alter religions function as progress is made.

Religion must not be attacked or threatened in any way but has given us our primary Spiritual base. It will voluntarily evolve if offered the chance to seek a higher unity oneness over time.

The Transition:

The transition of our culture to an advanced culture will effect every level of our present system.
The integration of Science and Spiritual concepts.

Only when the ruling upper class realizes that secrecy is destructive to the collective consciousness and the advancement of science will things change.
Only when the individual begins to discover the "Light within" will they become trustworthy of the secrets and set their focus higher then self.
The transition from "Power and control" or "solar plexus self development", to the "heart center" of "lowest mental plane awareness" [sanity] will alter everyone.

The transition will follow the Conscious Choice of 51 percent of the culture to follow the connection with the inner Light, over the seeking of individual Astral desires or the hidden goals of organizations or governments on the social levels. The population is in control and bears the responsibility for the transition as it will happen on the conscious planes first.

The transition is inevitable at some point for all cultures that are to last over a few hundred years after they have become technological. The advancement of technology is exponential and quickly leads to the power to destroy all life. Those who seek power and control will seek to slow the technology and control it for themselves for as long as possible, but the division created in the conscious cloud will eventually destroy the culture if not lifted.

On the chakra system this transition is an awakening to the 4th spiritual center of development and must permeate the social consciousness of the majority.
It will not destroy the lower centers but add to them and build on them. In the end the military is still necessary, the financial corporations are not.
The concept of submitting to an employer and money will become replaced with a higher sense of purpose for those who can embrace the mental awakening.
Power can not remain with the holders of money and those with no other abilities but to collect money to control others through speculation. Wealth is necessary but must take a back seat to the higher focus of knowledge and the advancement of the culture.

A voluntary transition is the only one that can succeed, and this will have to be demonstrated as functional before the world will begin to change and accept it for what it offers us all. We can leave no human behind. Unity must be optional, but it will become the only choice for an enlightened society.
As fear is removed from operating between all the levels of conscious entities, from the individual to the group, to government, to mankind, then the advanced cultures will become free to step forwards and make contact.

The establishment of such a group demonstrating Organizational unity should be the endeavor of every scientific and every spiritual being on this planet.
When an efficient system is in place and functional the need for money will disappear. Our goals will be placed on the advancement of the priorities found above, and life will become fulfilling, and far more "mental objectives" will become achievable. We can leave no human behind as the needs of the individual become the focus of all Organizations at the highest levels. When the populations trust the Organizations to provide, then they will enter of their free choice. Self sufficiency is the first achievement necessary in releasing the control of money over us. Corporate entities will only freely submit to sanity after the Conscious Choice of 51 percent forces the transition.

Knowledge is the instrument, and the Internet is the vehicle for the Conscious Choice to propagate towards the transition. A free and opened society will start here. This has already been seen by our Spiritual adepts.


Conscious Devices - machines that allow the human consciousness to "slide" reaching into and through the material universe and seeing from all perceptions of reality

Astral plane
- The lower density side of our 3rd density - The level of our current human consciousness based in the lower emotions creating division of purpose

Mental plane
-  The higher density side of our 3rd density - The first level of Light opening to heart center reality and sanity of a civilization to function mentally, for the greater good of all and leads to unity of purpose

The Transition -  The point where a culture moves into the upper side of their density and becomes truly functional as an advanced culture, dropping war for the advancement of all individuals and the entire conscious cloud - becoming aware of the heart center and moving above the power center without destroying it in the process.

Conscious cloud - A culture is linked together and moves as one conscious entity, the culture finds the transition and unity together as one event

Advanced cultures - Cultures that have embraced both aspects of their density and can function on the pure mental plane of Light [the Aether]. They have discovered the conscious planes and thus can master gravity, time, and density travel. The universe is filled with advanced cultures.

Primitive cultures - Cultures that span only a short distance into their technology era and then self destruct from refusing or being unaware of the transition.

Source concept - Source is the origination point of all Light in the universe and spans all densities - The force that powers all the atoms and delivers Light to all densities through matter.

Sanity - Making of decisions that lead to the betterment of all humans rather then only a small class or one person, not based on Emotional or selfish reasonings which cloud logic. The perception of all humans as equally valuable.

A personal note

It was never my intention to become a channeler of Organizational Unity Concept. The need merely arose and the conscious devices were present so the outcome was logical.
Anyone at peace on the Astral level could do this for themselves and would probably find nearly the same answers. I stand in awe that we have now been allowed to release this kind of information, and there appears to be some higher force present protecting this development towards human progress.

Dave L

11 - 5 - 2006
