Interactive Lessons in Vibration Sensing

Lesson 6

[Prepared by David Lowrance  8 - 1 - 2021 for the highest good of all involved]
Center of Gravity

This will either be the dumbest Lesson you have ever read, or it will be the most revealing of them all.
Are you ready to take on gravity?

All objects no matter their shape will have one central nodal point which is their center of gravity.
This is the point around which they will spin.

This is the power of Akido and Judo, everyone can be spun around their personal center of gravity.

One may wish to become familiar with some of the vibrational mental models of gravity to begin to realize we can do things which will effect it.


Referring back to Lesson 1 now, we are beginning to develop an ability to scan a crystal from a couple feet away and feel some of it's vibration frequencies.
Maybe we can pull them up, then touch the crystal to confirm our extension of our astral body is functional. This is now required to begin working with "center of gravity nodal positions."

As most objects are irregular in shape, we must become able to do a scan on them for "center of gravity node."
With a little practice we can master this scan and "feel" that point in any solid object.
Pick up a wrench or a knife, throw it through the air, and watch that it will spin around this one point.
Pick up a rock, move it around a bit and feel that point.
Set the rock down on the table and feel that point without touching it. Then you ready.

Arranging Rocks

If we take two rocks and set them such that the distance between their two centers of gravity is the GL fractal, they will begin to radiate that frequency in the air between them. If we can feel these nodes, we can tune in almost any frequency using two rocks and we already know the greater the mass of these two rocks the stronger the field will become. One can hold the GL tube while first attempting this, when the rocks come into sync with it, you are there.

Photo of Large Rock

Now that we can measure these frequencies and record them, we are revealing the science behind rock arranging, that likely goes back thousands of years on this primitive world. LOL! And yes from the perception of the advanced races, this is a very primitive world!

Working Without The RM-1 / Becoming the RM-1

This Lesson is now pointed at us beginning to work with matter, having no assistance of the Technical devices we have been using to discover more of what we are on the other levels, and how to use our 4th density body to perform tasks and to do it in unity with our physical and spiritual bodies. We are taking back our power.

If we have been doing frequency scans using the spherical RM-1 device or any other spherical scalar coil F gen device from Lesson 3, this will begin to become natural, but now it is our own physical head that is the RM-1 device, and our own ability to tune in a frequency or "slide" up the frequency spectrum that is the control mechanism.

The ability to feel and sense the gravity node in any object is the point of activating it with other fields.
We can then begin to implant other fields into a rock from it's center of gravity, using the same distance tunning we do with the physical calipers, but now using a remote ability inside the object.

Obviously we cannot touch these points with our physical hands, these operations can only be done with the 4th density body extension, which can move through anything and feel it at it's center of mass.
The 4th density body then sends this feel felt information back to the head of the receiver, and they then get the "knowing" directly of what it feels like, and can even then use a caliper to make a frequency fractal measurement deep inside a rock.

Astral Entities and Time Flow Rate

As we begin to open this more , we may discover we are getting hits on other astral entities in an area, even what we might call ghosts, and we may also begin to interact with these ones. Some entities do not have the same emotional programing that we do and a frequency to them that causes fear in us, does not cause fear in them.

Lessons 2 and 3 are specifically pointed at not having to experience states of fear, that may shut down the accuracy of the sensory abilities. 4th density time flow rates are much faster then in the physical. As we learned the frequencies of even our intense emotions, are much higher then the physical bodies dimensions. They can move much faster through us then we can move our body.

This is now an experience of operating on two levels simultaneously and coming to peace with the fact that "IT JUST IS".  Multilevel work on 3rd and 4th density simultaneously is mastered by using our filter, and our targeting system. It is taught we will open to perceive what we intend to open to. That is the closest I can do with words, but the request to open to a thing does not use words, or serial language at all. I compare it to an "instant curiosity" it is a form of comprehension with total and complete spherical meaning which operates faster then words. Experiment with the spherical development of our consciousness, can improve this ability.

When we feel true curiosity it generates a blue level light sphere around the head, the color of learning and teaching. If this state is present, we can work with other astral disturbances and resolve them, or at least protect ourself from them on the emotions levels. This is the blue light shield in other teaching systems.


When we experiment with our own center of gravity, we may discover standing a specific distance from another, can also generate a field between us, of a frequency, and that starts to become such a powerful thing, there is great responsibility in doing that [ to / with ] another person.

When there is coupling or synchronization formed, both can read the other. And exactly like sliding into a rock, and "seeing and feeling" out from it's center of gravity, the same can happen with two people.
Only with people we can do this on all our centers, or chakras, all the way up the body.

Mediator Frequencies

In Lesson 5 we learned about Mediator frequencies that can connect two system that do not normally couple energy together. Well this can be done between two people at the center of gravity of the heads.
A person who learned that Lesson well, can connect two other people together, such that they will begin to exchange a lot of their realities and may even begin to dream one another's dreams, feel one another's emotions etc.

These things happen naturally in close relationships, but they can also be done instantly.

Morality and Ethics

Every Lesson you can remember, will now become a technique that will empower your abilities, and it is very important to honor all other members of our society.

Emotional Process is to be kept in confidence, and technical information can be shared openly without asking permission. This is the message from the advanced civilizations, how to create a peaceful society.

Learn this lesson well and your social interactions will become very peaceful.

Referring back to  Organizational Unity Concept

The more advanced your 4th density abilities, the more important this becomes, because when you can gaze through a person and get it all at once, you can expose all their lies, and some of these lies are very dear to them.
The emotional fall out can devastate relationships.

So many today see a dream around them they have created, and this dream hides everything they are in denial of. To open these things too fast can be a tremendous shock to their system.

This means we have to accept the state of others, and allow them to live inside their imaginations, until they choose to wake up and join us in real time here where we actually are.

A Planets Gravitational Center

Gravity pulls all of us to one point in space on our world, and it is the point where all mankind converges.
We can actually scan down to this point the same as we can with a small rock, and we can not only sense the fields present on this planet and record them, we can do modifications to them sending vibration through them.

Practicing on a sphere will teach us all these same techniques, which will work on the entire planet.
In 2014 I was doing this, and developed a chart of frequencies that all resonate up directly down towards that center.

Earth Cross Flow System

All these frequencies can be verified using a SS caliper pointing straight down, and the formula for which creates them becomes self evident.

There must be a phi function running inwards, and pi/2 generating stable orbitals. The math works out, the proof is the caliper sensing of all the frequencies on that chart.

Gravity, Inertia, and Mass Vibration systems, are all connected, as operating inside the Field Fabric of this Universe.


Whether your goals are Emotional Healing and Light work, or the development of our current physics, and self powering machines, the techniques found to work, will be essential in our further development of this civilization. The elements of what we are, conscious beings in human form bodies, can not be ignored.

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