CBD Oil Vibration Tube

2020 - 6 - 2  Dave L

CBD Oil and creams are used for pain control of many different conditions. I made this vibration tube for my wife and it seems to be working very well for her.
One advantage of using a vibration tool rather then the actual Oil, is that when you put the tube away, the effect stops much faster, so is easy to control and regulate.

Photo of tube


The tube is made from 1 inch outside diameter Aluminum decorator tube. Stainless Steel calipers and a razor knife are used to mark the length and the two center etching locations. A small pipe cutter is then used to complete the job.
When cutting the two Etches near the center of the tube, one must feel how deep to make them. Cut around with the pipe cutter until you feel the secondary vibration just come up.
This tube generates two main frequencies and in the mix it simulates what the CBD cream does to the nervous system and brain. What I felt is that it disconnects the stressful emotions from the body tension reaction, giving the muscles and body a time to relax.

Dimension Diagram

The Stainless Steel calipers were used to record the vibration, when I was touching the CBD cream and raising a field from it.
They are also used to mark the Aluminum Tube, using the Sheetrock knife for cutting and scribing with the pipe cutter.

Caliper Simulation

The dual frequency tube was a new concept for me, and it happened very naturally as I was scanning the CBD cream, and asking to receive the correct frequency pattern.
The tube was constructed 4 - 12 - 2020 and given to my wife. As of 6 - 2 - 2020 she is still using it. I consider this a successful emulation of the CBD oil effect on the human body.

Dave L

Body Device Index
