The Most Basic Concepts
A paper written 12 - 12 - 2023
Author: David Lowrance
A class presentation of some of the mass Vibration devices, including a Joe cell.
Awareness -
Our "New Science" Wilbert Smith presents, is one
that includes Awareness and leads us into the comprehension of Flying
Saucer craft.
In the pursuit of an accurate scientific mental model that becomes functional, where do we start?
I am an Awareness located inside a 3D geometric structure [body], looking out at a universe and separated from it.
I am the scientist.
I have Awareness of change outside myself, and also inside
myself. Thus the concept of time can also be observed by my awareness
of motion.
There are periods where I feel time moves slower, and periods
where I feel it moves faster. With respect to me, as I am, my perception
of time with reference to the universe outside me is rather flexible. I
experience perception of a variable time flow rate.
Communication -
All science from this point
on, will be attained from our observations, coming into our awareness,
from outside our geometric structural form.
We can then term this flow of information as communication,
and now another element necessary is added to our list. Communication.
Awareness - Inside to Outside Separation, can pass Communication
Time - Change, Motion, Frequency, etc.
Communication - Flow of information, observations, actions
and reactions, used to program our awareness with useful data as memory.
We cannot hope to create an accurate science, by skipping
over the function of the scientist, as in many of our experiments the
Experimenter is part of the experiment, especially where Tempic field
density, or a time dilation is an effect, as with Gravity and Inertial
effects resulting from manipulations with mass vibration systems. As we
step into one of our large mass vibration field bubbles, we experience
an acceleration of perception, effecting mind and body.
Tensor Field -
What is a Tensor Field?
A pressure in space that is pushing in one direction. We can
describe this force as a line that is linear, and it's length is it's
frequency by the formula [ mm = kHz ].
A Field is something reaching through space that may be
radiant outside the matter where it was generated. It is also involved
in the structure of the atom holding and recovering it's form and
A field can be convergent, as many tensors pointing inwards
towards a center point. It can be divergent as many tensors pointing
outwards from one center point.
In these cases polarity is inside to outside, as with
Gravity. Gravity pulls all of us in one direction and all these tensors
converge at the center of our world. Mass is a source of a convergent
field, or Inflow Field, this is a quality of the Proton.
Electric Field -
If we take a Line in space
connect its center to the Fabric inside all space, and then spin it
around its center point we get a circular field. We have two
Tensors pushing out from center diverging, and two on the outer ends
pushing it into a spin. Two fields at 90 degrees where the center of
the linear form line has connection to the fabric inside all space that couples power into it.
This gives it a quality of inertia.
Electricity is but one frequency band of this form of energy operating on the atoms of conductors.
The rotational field of Earth is another. A Frisbee is another.
This geometry suggests two fields at 90 degree angles operating on one another, and is then loosely termed an Electric Field.
The Electric Field must always have a Tempic field inside it. ATensor in rotation.
Electric field frequency is the area inside the circle. mm^2 = kHz^2
Positive and Negative charge spin in opposite directions in the same magnetic field polarity.
Magnetic Field -
If the Electric field has a motion vector that is radiant at 90 degrees to it's flat
spin plane, when we curve the vector into a larger circle we
create the donut form of the magnetic field wrapping back around
on itself. This bending is called curl, and the magnetic field has all
three of the field forces acting inside it in a Quadrature
configuration. These are the 3 field forces acting on one another that Wilbert Smith describes very well.
Tempic - Linear - Length
Electric - Circular - Area
Magnetic - Donut - Volume
Metrics of a Quantum Field Fabric -
metric, is a value in nature that is unique to nature and derived from
nature, one that does not change, and can be agreed on by all Awareness observing
Water freezes at 0 deg C, and boils at 100 deg C, one example.
The concept of a Field Fabric that fills all space was
integral to early work on photon energy exchange with atoms electron
Planck was given a Nobel prize for originating this concept from nature, and the math worked out.
The concept is that every single cubic meter of space
contains the same energy in it, and this energy is the source of
the atoms power, and ability to recover itself from any outside energy
loss. This Quantum Field Fabric is stretched tightly outwards in all
directions, and strong enough to pass a cosmic ray.
The actual Source of the strong force in the atom that holds
it together, and also the power in photons that do not lose energy in
their travels through space.
From the Electron shells outwards into our world, the energy
becomes a radiant entropic kind of energy, but inside the nuclear
bundle it is a renewable energy source.
We observe this when working with copper, pounding it and
distorting it, but never once can our hammer destroy it's atoms, they
spring back, it is only on the outer Electron shell bonds between atoms
can we create the distortions in the copper, short of a nuclear
Planck's original model of the Quantum Field Fabric was based
on a consistent amount of power in equivalent volumes of space, and he
ciphered that at this level the length of a line could be represented
by a frequency. An area, or a volume as well can be calculated as a
In our vibration work we discovered that 1 mm of space set
inside a stainless steel caliper gap resonates up with a scalar coil at
1 kHz on the F gen, and as we move up in distance the frequency rises.
2 mm = 2 kHz, etc...
If the Source field is a form of energy and power then a
longer distance would be a higher frequency at resonance, as higher
frequency is higher energy.
It works in the experiments with manifesting forms of fields with structure in space.
Metrics - It is also
discovered that specific distances in the caliper gap can generate
various geometric forms in space in the gap between the flat sliders.
Different lengths generate triangles, circles, spheres and cones. Triangles of various tip angles etc...
Setting up fixed distance reflections or still points in
space we call "nodes", can generate various geometric forms of energy,
we call this a "transform."
The Field around the Earth has a Field Fabric vibration of
333000 Hz we can use as one source of energy, to begin to test these
This structured vibration network is cubical in the caliper gap. Space
The Interaction of Awareness
began this presentation with a description of the Scientist doing the
observations, and suggested change could happen both inside and outside
we will take this one step further to state the Awareness of the
Experimenter can effect the experiment, and it may either work or not
work based on that interaction.
Awareness operating on the Field Fabric - Telepathy
There are actually 4 field forces, not merely the three
introduced by Wilbert Smith, and while he never mastered the use
of the first one, some of his people did.
Tempic Field
Electric Field
Magnetic Field
The experiments have shown that we can use our Awareness to
pull up these vibration structured fields directly from the Field
Fabric and manifest them with the aid of a caliper gap distance, and if
we get really good at this we do not need the calipers anymore.
The spherical fields are the most common to begin doing this
with. We hold the two points of the diameter and the complete sphere
will come up for us powered by the Field Fabric if our distance is a
correct metric of that form.
Therefore it is logical to state that all the matter and energy in this universe was originated from some form of awareness.
This is then labeled as a communication between the awareness
inside me, and the Field Fabric outside me causing it to manifest a
field with form.
Then we also discover we can manifest energy forms inside of
our body as well, and now have some data and mathematics to make a
science of this kind of work.
Because we rediscovered the mm = kHz equation, we can use
Function generators and Scalar Bismuth coils to manifest the forms also.
We can establish communication with the Quantum Field Fabric as a
transmission, as well as reception. The form of the energy is vibration.
Why work on using our Awareness with this new energy form?
We develop our self to work with this kind of energy because we are the best detectors of it.
While some forms of vibration can be detected using EM test equipment, the base form of mass vibration cannot.
Gravity is one example that cannot be measured accurately using EM test gear. Gravity
We discover also in this work that our own emotions flow along these pathways, that the nuclear power also uses.
The coach gives the team a pep talk just before the big game. If they got pumped from it, their internal energy is boosted.
They become one coherent field with all parts of
their body in control instantly, and the emotional state was a large
part of this along with the personal focus.
They may also experience a time shift in their perception.
It is good then to be aware these experiments can
effect emotions and our internal power of the body, however this is a
Our "New Science" Wilbert Smith presents, is one that includes
Awareness and leads us into the comprehension of Flying Saucer craft.
Showing an early setup for programming of the RM-1 unit, used for Communication and Sliding practice.
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