This document will be added to as work progresses.
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Addition Log:
Vibration Science [Remote Vibration Scans  10/11/2014 Dave L]
Synchronization Section added [10/23/2014 Dave L]
Frequency Testing Section Added [10/26/2014 Dave L]
QEG Core Dimensions added with chromatic music chart [11/2/2014 Dave L]
Source Energy and Iron Quantum resonance sections added [11/3/2014 Dave L]
New 7 Mhz Conditioning Frequency [11/14/14 Dave L]
Master Earth Harmonic [11/14/14 Dave L]

Purpose of Document

This document is an attempt to study the self sustaining WITTS QEG and provide assistance for experimenters.
While the current EM methods, may fail to show how these effects, using tempic infinities, are possible, I believe it is possible to feel them, and accurately calibrate them to work.
I have seen Electrical machines that do work, and know it is possible to achieve.

I have also been active in Joe Cell design and have seen car engines run without gasoline or other fuels, developing more power then when using fuel.
Below I also use a set of Joe Cell type tubes for vibration testing to see if they will produce a self sustaining feedback loop.
Self sustaining vibration systems have been working for some time.

Reference Video

 WITTS Public Video - you tube

Here is the only working Electrical Self Sustaining Powering Device presented to the public to date, for study purposes, which may lead us to a full comprehension.
We thank WITTS for sharing this video with the public.

Sensory Recording Technique

I live in Sitka Alaska. How is it I can record frequencies existing in a device on the opposite side of the US?

The video has been stopped at the three various modes of operation, to study the machine remotely, in a way that many would not be familiar with. It has been shown, in this method, accuracy is possible to achieve.
A remote scan ["slide"] is done to move into the device consciously and record vibration wavelengths present using a Stainless Steel Caliper.
See section on recording vibration for references -  Mass Vibration
Note also that in the video, the hands were held around the generator, and it is likely that the operator can feel the vibrations present in the core, even before it is started up, from the conditioning process.

Used here is a combination technique of remote sensing, similar to Reiki level two with human hosts, performed in a state of Za Zen, using stainless steel calipers to record vibration wavelengths, after the conscious connection is made.
Here are my notes from my first "conscious slide" into this machine.

Conditioned QEG

Mode 1

[Not running, feel felt scan from WITTS video at time index 3:04]

3.04 seconds into video

Active Vibrations Measured

6 mm           ~   600 kHz
22.39 mm    ~   2.2 MHz
55.35 mm    ~   5.5 MHz
99.64 mm    ~   9.9 MHz

Indicate vibration frequencies that are present on the QEG core before startup of the machine.

Mode 2

[Self running with no external load - WITTS video at time index 6:20]

Self Running no external load

Active Vibrations Measured

11.08 mm    ~  1.11 MHz

Mode 3

[Self running with load - WITTS video at time index 8:53]

External Loading

Active Vibration Measured

16.666 mm   =  1.666 MHz   

This one is very easy to locate as a feedback loop, using the SS calipers.
It only appears when the generator is loaded. This vibration is reflected back into the generator from the load side.
It is likely the Source Power conduit.

Function Generator Test

Attach the black wire of a Function Generator to the calipers set to 16.66 mm. Do a slow frequency scan, they vibrate up at 1.666 MHz

While this technique seems to violate common thought process for EM circuits, it is the way it works for vibration testing. We were taught to think of power at the points of highest current and voltage, and the product of both [P = E x I]. In vibration testing however the greatest power is found on the lead to the earth ground when the greatest load is being powered by the circuit.
Since there is greater mass is connected to the ground, monitoring the mass vibration interaction at this point often gives amplified outputs on the calipers for what is happening in the electrical circuit.

Dave L


QEG conditioned with 1.666 MHz or 1.333 MHz

QEG constructed to vibrate at
22.20 mm
55.50 mm
99.90 mm

Introduction of 1.11 MHz from self load - detected as 11.11 mm caliper setting.
Introduction of 1.666 MHz from external load - detected as 16.66 mm caliper setting.

The vortex set up from the first three vibrations, may only accept loading at specific frequencies.
If the load is in sync with 1.666 MHz it travels into the device and creates a "self sustaining vibration loop" onto the electromagnetic field.

1.666 MHz is an iron resonance vibration, as is 1.333 MHz, and is likely the Quantum access frequency set.

Penetration Gateway

Once this penetration gateway is opened in the background field, the core will self sustain it with the three infinite parameters of vibration.

22.2..., 55.5..., 99.9... mm

Note the load modulates the generator with a new frequency, which interacts with the ones already present in the generator,
setting up a feedback reaction, at 1.666... MHz to increase the EM power output, and regulate it through feedback.

Note also the infinite nature of the vibration fields being used. In the mixing of two or more frequencies, we can access the irrational numbers such as Pi /2, and 1.1111... We can learn to recognize them by "feel" alone, where our math turns them into impossible targets.

This is what I observe in the QEG video.

10 / 11 / 2014  Dave L

Vibration Field Testing on Concentric SS Tubes

Caliper Settings for Testing

Here is the wavelength stack. The top three are present even when the unit is off.
The 11.11 mm not shown is present during self activation as a feedback loop.
The 16.66 mm is used to load the system from outside in such a way to produce more output from the nuclear core level.

Caliper Injection Testing

Caliper Injection Testing

To see if these vibration values produce self sustaining effects in concentric SS tubing.
The answer is yes they do. The field is still obviously active on the tubes after a couple days on the bench.
All that is required is to touch two at a time on the adjacent tubes and the tubes will vibrate up.

I have not yet gone back to see if the actual values I first recorded are stronger or weaker then these theoretical values derived from them.
My feeling is that the first quick scan was not as accurate as it could have been, I likely only hit close and not exact peaking values, only recognizing the general peaking points.

My first goal to identify the infinite fractals that can interact at one point of convergence to produce an infinite self sustaining energy bubble.
These techniques come from Joe Cell work and much field experience with cell design.
Also interesting that when I connect an F gen to the calipers and do a frequency scan they do resonate up in a very simple conversion method.

22.22 mm ~ 2.222 MHz
55.55 mm ~ 5.555 MHz
99.99 mm ~ 9.999 MHz
11.11 mm ~ 1.111 MHz
16.66 mm ~ 1.666 MHz

One reason this stack caught my eye, is that with the Bashar dual cones I built to 333000 Hz, the secondary harmonic, is at 1.666 MHz.
The dual cones amplify the 5th harmonic of the base 333000 Hz, but they suppress the other odd harmonics we would expect to be present.
333000 * 5 =  1665000

When we see something across two different designs of self powering devices that match, we should likely take note.
Three digit accuracy, is said to be close enough for the various infinities to join into a portal effect, if the personal consciousness, is prepared to deal with the new experience, as a reality.

The Portal Gateway Effect

Dewey Larson gives us the correct mental model, for understanding and accepting the caliper measurement system, as a time measurement.
The calipers can measure a distance, which on the other side [counter space, or time / space] will  oscillate with a physical length on this side.
The caliper measures time, which on this side of the boundary becomes a fixed distance.
The resonant fractals, are self powering, can be felt consistently as real by any with accurate sensing ability, and caliper tunning skill.

This technique is revealed as well in working with the Dual Cone systems of Bashar.

Source Field Inversion - [inches and centimeters]

11 / 6 / 2014  Dave L
This is a conscious concept, and also leads to a new physics concept, uniting the feel felt vibrations, with the EM field frequencies active on a device.

Source Field
Based on several observations, that indicate all power enters this universe as vibration from the outer boundary of the medium, in spherical format, and is then focused to converge to a single point in space, where it then is reflected back outwards meeting itself again to form standing wave interference patterns at the quantum level. Matter is discovered then to condense into being from the inside outwards as reflection. The Radiant energy, and it's solidity as atoms, is the literal reflection from it's center of gravity, back outwards, again crossing it's Source energy field still converging inwards.

Inversion of Frequency to Distance relationship
Measurements in the Source Field indicate, dimension gets larger as frequency raises. Thus a longer SS caliper distance is equal to a higher frequency. As the source field then reflects from center of mass to form a physical object, this relationship inverts, and in the physical side we see frequency drops with greater wavelength and greater distance away in our normal concept of space-time and EM fields.

Working the physical matter science we end up seeing self powering only at the points of atoms, and solar systems. These will repeatedly self correct, in distance of orbital position and in velocity after being acted on from outside forces. Atoms recover dimension and velocity towards light speeds, no matter how much we bang them around short of nuclear destruction. Planets recover to a fraction of a second a year, no matter how many asteroids or comets pass or hit the surface.

Working the auric field, as healers do, we can confirm that the higher frequency layers are located further outwards of the body, and further upwards in the chakra line, where they land closer to Source energy on the outer boundary. The scientist who cannot feel auric fields will have no ability to confirm this observation, but it is noted in order that this document not seem totally absurd to such scientist reading it.

Joe Cells
In Joe Cell work if we add this inversion to our mental models, we realize that the larger tubes are positioned over the crossing points where the auric [Source Field] falls into a resonance with the physical vibration of mass at its higher frequency locations. The center tube is the lowest frequency from the Source field even though it is smaller in dimension. At the bottom of this document there is a spreadsheet you can download with a totally new frequency set for JC injection in the tubes, based on this new understanding of geometric musical octaves.

Musical Octaves are Geometric
If you have one penny and double it each day how long before you are a millioneer?
Because the octaves of music are geometric, the rings of energy coming in from the outer boundary of the universe get further apart very quickly as you move further away from the object.
Reaching the outer boundary is done using musical octaves, doubling distance on each step outwards. 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 etc. Notice that the number of units between each frequency is growing larger, but the sense that it is still only one octave remains constant.
On the spreadsheets below we discover the 13th octave above our waking brain frequency, is likely where many of these devices are operating from.

One equation that can be used to reference the Source Field  versus the physical world fields, is [1 cm = 1 MHz].
In the source field [time = distance], so as the measurements get larger so does the frequency.
333000 Hz can now be measured at 3.33 mm, ,using a SS caliper, by a sensitive who can operate in the astral ranges accurately.

I have tested this out to as far as I can "sense" this field into higher frequency [astral plane] and it seems to offer a point of connection for the math which works.
I have not found the same with the inch scale.

Synchronization of Motor to Generator

For any sort of vibration interaction between the motor and the generator, we would need to synchronize the positions of forwards torque with the positions of drag on that torque that it repeats consistently over time.
This is expected for any type of vibration loop back operating between the mechanical coupling, and the electrical coupling, in the energy loop between the two components.
We can see that WITTS unit is "marked" on both generator and motor, from the pictures below, taken from the video frames for study purposes.

The most interesting concept here however, is that the motor and generator form a single system, and that we need to see both as one system with two components that achieve over unity by working together. In our case they also somehow achieve a vibration phased locked loop with the power line frequency. Noted as the 120 Hz sound is present during the entire running of the motor Generator, even after the power line is removed from the system. This frequency does not change when the unit is self powering.

Time index 2:36 Pulley Markings on Motor

Motor Pulley Marker

Time index 2:55  Generator Pulley Marking

Generator Pulley Marker

Note from the motor picture above, the generator has been rotated about 1/8 turn to expose this marker on the generator pulley.
It is then assumed that these marks have some purpose in the tune up process.
Follow the frames slowly as he turns this back and forth, and note the mark appears to be on the inner rotors position, from center and then towards release.

Note also the Motors white mark is about 2x of the generators white mark.
Also the reason for the viewing hole in the side of the generator is to set the pulley on correctly with the inner rotor.

Pulley Sizes and Belt Drive

Time Index 8:58  

Pulley Sizes

The motor pulley appears to be slightly larger then the generator pulley.
I also notice the belt vibrates quite a bit with pulsations that seem to oscillate in a pattern that repeats.

Alignment On Startup

Time Index 4:56

Alignment on startup

Alignment After Shutdown

Time index 16:48

Alignment 16:48

Spin up runs from time index 5.03 to 5:07 where beyond this the markings then become non perceptible blurs.
The generator is rotating faster then the motor - from watching this 4 second clip, although it is hard to tell the exact ratio.

From running the video very slowly using VLC media player at low speed and counting the turns the marks make on each pulley.
The motor pulley to generator pulley ratio is ~ 1.25 to 1.

This is a musical ratio called a 3rd. 5:4 ratio.
Motor RPM x 5/4 = Generator RPM

Note: ~ [squiggle] means very close.
1.666666 / 1.3333333 = 1.25

Frequency Testing

On line Tone Generator

WITTS Generator Video

Pull up the tone generator, and then pull up the WITTS video. Set the tone generator to 120 Hz, and go to time index 5:00 on the video.
Listen to the tone gen for a few, hum the tone, shut off the tone gen and start the video. See of you recognize the tone as the first noise the motor makes on start up.
120 Hz is the first vibration on the system, from the wall power, 60 Hz getting doubled by the bridge rectifier.
That hum remains present over the entire video even after the generator is running on it's own self looping energy system.
[Later you can bring up the tone anywhere in the video it is running, and should recognize it present on the system.]

Now pull up a second browser, with another tone generator and set this one to 160 Hz.
Follow the video forwards form 5:07 until the Generator noise comes up, then turn on the tone gen at 160 Hz and note the way it connects at almost zero beat.
160 Hz is the vibration the generator adds to the mix. Notice it sounds harmonic and seems to fit well.

160 / 120 is a musical ratio known as the 4th of a musical scale 4/3 or 4:3 frequency ratio in musical terms.
It creates a chord that is a 1st and 4th, and is also a 5th to the next octave up.
The next octave up is 240 Hz, but this vibration is not present on the system.
You can confirm this by setting one of the tone generators to 240 Hz and play it over the running machine.

Using a musical scale to set the vibration between the power line and the generator is something we could expect from Keely.
Similar in structure to the F chord, although the frequencies are a bit different then the actual musical scales we are familiar with, the ratio is the same.

The working machine, is based on music!

160 / 120 =  1.3333333333333333333333333333333....   [This is an infinity ratio]

Zero Beat Frequency on Generator

Jamie tells us the QEG conditioning frequency is 1.3 MHz  This is 1,300,000 Hz.
We discover this frequency is very close to the 13th octaves 4th note as well, and if we adjust the 160 Hz slightly to 158.96 Hz we will hit it exactly right on.

Spreadsheet below shows the adjustment [tweak] in the right hand column.

Spreadsheet of 4ths

OK fire up the On line tone generator at 158.49 Hz and play it over the top of the running QEG system, you will discover a zero beat synchronization!
The Generator is running at 158.49 Hz, and the HF conditioning must be at 1.3 MHz for the two to perfectly couple at the 13th octave.

Full Harmonic Charts

Violet WITTS
Blue Power Line
Yellow Jamie

In this chart 60 Hz is treated as the 1st note of a chord. Octaves are charted to 24 levels, with all 7 whole steps shown.
On this chart the interval between Power line and Generator is a 4th.
Note also that Jamie is working way up there on a 6th by trying to use 200 and 400 Hz on the generator.
The 13th octave of 200 Hz is 1.6384 MHz. I believe this one can be tweaked also if desired.
[See the other spreadsheets below. 203.45 Hz for Quantum iron coupling, and 204.8 Hz for device dimension coupling to the cores .025" thickness.]

60 Hz base frequency chart

In this chart 40 Hz is treated as the base or 1st note, and charted to 24 octaves.
This is the difference in mixing two frequencies of 120 and 160.
Note that on this chart the interval between Generator and Power Line is a 5th.

40 Hz base frequency chart

Core Dimensions and Harmonics

Comparing the Core dimensions with a Chromatic Table of musical harmonics.

Diagram complements of FTW organization., stated to be the print for construction of the QEG core element.
QEG Print


Yellow = Core Dimensions
Violet = QEG Frequencies
Blue = Base
[Chromatic Scale Referenced to 1 Inch]

QEG Physical Inch Reference

The inch reference is converted to cm in the next table in order to reference the Quantum Source Field.


Chromatic Scale referenced to 2.54 cm = 1 inch     [1 cm = 1 MHz Source Field]
All the same points are charted for all physical dimensions of the core.

QEG Physical cm reference

Note, the design slightly misses .333 cm, 1.333 cm, and 1.666 cm [ violet ] [Quantum portals into the Source Field]
However it will establish a field coherence between most all the physical dimensions of the core, including the air gap between rotor and stator hole. 0.026 inch = 0.0661 cm,
as well as even the hole sizes and the distance between the holes. The core must have been designed using a Chromatic Scale Chart of ratios similar to the ones above.
Diameters, Lengths, and Gaps, of  .025"  .026"  .25"  .75"  1.5"  2.25"   4.5"  6"  9" 12" 15" would only all appear on this kind of a chart of ratios.
My guess, they were not selected randomly.

In all, we see B  E  F  F# and G# composing the physical dimension ratios of the core element.
Note that the intermod between E  F and F# will produce in harmonic beat frequencies on dimensions that are at right angles in the cores mass.

1.5" and .025" ratio = 60x.
1.5" / .025" = 60

Further the shaft diameter 0.875" is related to the core thickness 3.5" geometrically by two octaves.
3.5" / 4 = 0.875" Their dimensions also set at 90 degrees to one another.

The 6 inch hole the rotor spins inside is found on the chromatic chart as a 5th.

The shaft length of 11" I can find no harmonic coupling to at present.
The results of this comparison are astounding, and should not likely be ignored.

Power Line Chromatic Scale

Power Line Chromatic Scale Chart

Consider now Irons ability to vibrate up at 1.333 MHz and 1.666 MHz conditioning could be performed on either the 4th or 6th note of the geometric harmonic scale by tweaking the 160 or 200 Hz frequencies slightly up so the 13th octave above will hit on target. This approach may cause the geometric vibration conditioning to be almost immediate?

Jamie's request for assistance  11 / 3 / 2014

What is the mass resonance frequency for a steel plate containing iron, that is .025" thick?

First the space/time resonance frequency for .025"
Convert to cm.
2.54 x .025 =  0.0635 cm
Multiply by 1 MHz =  63,500 Hz

63.5 kHz
Harmonic chart for space / time resonance showing where it crosses power line frequencies very closely, and where it crosses iron Quantum resonance frequencies closely.

025 Thick Harmonics

A better question is, where is the Quantum mass resonance frequency for Iron medium on the electron shell located? The actual Source of the energy.

1.333 MHz
1.666 MHz [As measured remotely from the running machine with SS caliper]

1333000 Harmonics

One can see from the charts that a person who can feel these harmonics can play with the RPM and get synchronizations set up that will self sustain, then tweak some more and get others to link up.
If one could design a perfect sync for all the coupling frequencies necessary, the Quantum level would likely come up instantly using only calipers or specially cut rods to start them.

Using the inch is a hindrance, as it does not hit exactly on the Iron resonance frequency due to the conversion factor 2.54x to cm.
Also the power line frequency does not hit exactly on the Iron atomic resonance by a geometric harmonic.

It is known that an arc will produce a range of frequencies and harmonics that may cause the conditioning frequency to come close enough at times to activate the iron at its 1.333 and 1.666 Portals.

Bashar/ Keely - Space Time Chromatic Scale Chart

Claimed to be the resonance frequency of Space Time for the Earth.

Space Time Chart

It is very likely these show a closer link to "Source Field Energy" from the space-time medium.
Note also that at 4 digit accuracy you are in the center of a resonance that will still work to some distance off center.
Vibration resonance only has to get close enough to vibrate up enough to establish a self looping system.
After that nature will take over and raise the field perfectly for you.

These machines are traditionally tweaked by feel, by people who have that "sensory perceptive ability".

From the charts above, one can conclude there must be slow adjustments of the RPM over time to correctly couple a looping, self sustaining, frequency set on this device.
Stated differently, one must slowly vary the RPM of the motor generator set to cross many of these relationships over time to condition the device.
As an alternative, one could use caliper conditioning to set up the vibration links, or even conscious manipulation once these are sensed well and remembered by feel.
The human body has an intuitive ability to feel when the music is right.

Shaft frequency to RPM conversion and tuning ranges

Basic formula [60 cycles per second x 60 seconds per minute = 3600 Revolutions Per Minute]
Motor will be tunned to make several energy coupling connections across 13 octaves, before final stabilization in over unity mode.
Thus it will likely have a range, controlled by the autotransformer feeding the DC motor. During targeting, it may be nice to have the target RPM rather then the target Hz.

Generator RPM [4 poles]
160 Hz x 60 / 4 =        2400 RPM  
158.69 Hz x 60 / 4 =   2380.35 RPM    [During 1.300000 MHz conditioning]
162.6 Hz  x 60 / 4 =    2439 RPM         [During 1.333000 MHz conditioning]
203.247 Hz x 60 / 4 = 3048.705 RPM  [During 1.666000 MHz conditioning]
206.7 Hz x 60 / 4 =     3100.5 RPM      [Tunning the plate thickness of the core, to 51.7 Hz harmonic]
248 Hz x 60 / 4 =        3720  RPM        [Tunning the plate thickness of the core to 62 Hz harmonic]

DC Motor RPM [need confirmation for specific pulley ratio, assuming 4/5 ratio for these calculations]
Generator RPM * 4 / 5
2400 * 4 / 5 =        1920 RPM
2380.35 * 4 / 5 =   1904.28 RPM       [During 1.300000 MHz coupling]
2439 * 4 / 5 =        1951.2 RPM         [During 1.333000 MHz conditioning]
3048.705 * 4 / 5 = 2438.964 RPM     [During 1.666000 MHz conditioning]

Tuning these ranges slowly may produce the desired vibration effects on the core more quickly by feel, when the spark and RF coils match the correct RPM.
Be aware however, they can also be tunned using a SS Caliper set to the frequency desired, and that caliper can be used to inject the frequency into the core as well.
SS Caliper can be used to tune the HV EM resonant circuit also before it is energized with HV.

Rotor Dimensions and 6" rotor hole.

It was not obvious at first, but study of the rotor shows multiple connections with the harmonics of vibration from the musical octave spread sheets.
What we call the RA fractal at 150 mm is very near 6". This is the heart of the QEG where the motion is greatest.
The Hendershot coils are also using a very similar diameter, very near the 6" RA fractal distance.

Converting the shaft diameter to mm it becomes apparent that at 22.225 mm we are now on harmonic charts once again that show up all over.
Dial up .737 " [18.72 mm] on a caliper and feel what is happening at that length! Pressure and torsion. The hole distance is creating a torsion field effect at the tips of the rotor.

Rotor dimensions
Stator Hole size 6" =  15.24 cm =                     152.40 mm
Hole to hole = 4.5" =  11.43 cm =                    114.30 mm
Rotor thickness = 1.5" =  3.81 cm =                   38.1 mm

Shaft diameter = 0.875" =  2.2225 cm =            22.225 mm
Plate stack = 3.5 " =   8.89 cm =                        88.90 mm

Rotor circle width = 2.375" =  6.0325 cm =       60.325 mm
Hole to end 0.737" =  1.87198 cm =                 18.7198 mm
Air Gap  6" - 5.974 " =  .026" =  .06604 cm =      .6604 mm
Plate thickness = .025 " =  0.0635 cm =                .635 mm

Perfect Examples:

38.1 mm root has 114.30 as a musical 5th and 152.40 as the second octave, these calculations are perfect and relate directly to 2 of the rotors dimensions and the stator hole size at 6".
22.225 mm root has 88.90 mm as a second octave and this is a perfect calculation. Shaft diameter to plate stack thickness. Origination point of the 2.22 MHz vibration.
And [3.33375 mm is a musical 3rd off 22.225, this is the Bashar Frequency 333 kHz.]
Note initial scans showed the 2.2 MHz presence, now we see where it is coming from, the shaft diameter, and the rotor plate stack thickness creating a 1st / 5th harmonic chord at 90 degrees to one another.

Very Close Examples:
60.325 mm has a a 3rd harmonic at 150.81 mm which is a very strong and sharp vibration peak off the RA fractal area.
18.7198 mm root has a 3rd at 22.46376 mm  [Hole to end - Shaft Diameter]
.6604 mm root has a 6th sharp of  152.15616 at 7 octaves up. [Air Gap]
.635 mm root 2nd octave is 1.3208 mm = 1.3208 MHz EM resonance- very near the 1.333 MHz portal and the 1.3 MHz conditioning frequency. [Plate Thickness]

From the shaft diameter with a 2.22 MHz vibration to the outer stator, there are musical scale ratios throughout.
The holes were carefully placed based on musical harmonics, and their location is likely very important for initial startup of the EM field, from the torsion field present on the rotor-stator system.

Whom ever designed the rotor was likely versed in the Hendershot device, Keely information, RA fractal knowledge, and or the earth grid fractal lengths.
I would love to hold one in my hands and do further testing.

7 MHz Conditioning Frequency

Jamies latest release states he is changing to a conditioning frequency of 7 MHz.

Place 7000000 in the spreadsheet, and note what happen at the major 7th on Octave 17 down.
200.2716 Hz   Jamies Generator frequency.

Now examine the rest of the 17 th Octave down and note the familiar frequencies present also.
Major 5th 160.217 Hz
Major 2nd 120.163 Hz

Now on the 18 th Octave down
Major 2nd  60.0841 Hz

This one seems to deliver the energy all the way down to ~60 Hz to .0841 accuracy!

Suggested Alternate Conditioning Method:

One may also try using a steel shaft, same material as the generator shaft, same diameter, and cut the length to either 7 cm, or 7 mm, then use this to vibrate up the core, rather then the RF coil system.
4 could be crafted to be set on the outer 4 points of the core and would platonically vibrate up the entire mass.
They can also be mounted in a 4 point ring around the shaft if there is enough room for the shaft to pass through them, then adjusted in and out until the entire core vibrates up.

Also this vibration can be injected into the copper on the core and will travel to it via that method. The wires to the load, can be passed through a gap between two SS elements perfectly parallel and placed around them. It would take some bench experiments to get the energy in the gap as strong as possible. Core conditioning would be faster, because it would not be necessary to vibrate up the core using EM.

Lastly a scalar canceling coil, or 4 of these, wrapped on bismuth cores, May be the fastest method to deliver the vibration frequency to the iron core. They can be designed to resonate at 7 MHz, without any EM used at all, simply by shorting the windings on the feed side of the coil. Slugs are poured inside 5/8" aluminum tubing, then cut to exactly 7 cm long. These are then drilled for the load wires to pass through. To increase the vibration output a one layered weave wind coil can be placed over the elements 24 ga., and either shorted, or powered up with a very low powered F gen at 7 MHz, and carefully tunned in to create a coherent mass resonance vibration first on the Bismuth, then on the Generator core. Conditioning would be done after the tunning process synchronizes all the smaller fractals of the device. As well other frequencies could also be injected using these Bismuth elements from the load side of the electrical circuit.

Master Earth Harmonic

Earth Geometric .ods

You can download this Spreadsheet. It contains a master table of Earth Harmonics, based on the Earth Diameter and Circumference, given for both cm and inches.
The diameter and circumference of a sphere share the relationship PI/2 and is a well known self sustaining harmonic in vibration work from JC technology experiments.
It is a large spreadsheet but positively shows the QEG was designed to resonate with the earths mass.

A few examples from the spreadsheet:

From the cm section of the spread sheet
2.227 cm  [earth diameter 31st octave down - major 7th]  ~ Shaft Diameter
6.9978 cm [Earth circumference 31st octave down - major 7th]  ~7 MHz
These two are related by a pi / 2 ratio and will self sustain one another in vibration work.

1.33649 cm  [earth diameter  31st octave down - major 2nd] 1.33649 MHz

From the Inch Section of the spreadsheet
14.9968 inches    ~ 15"  Within .0032" Diameter of the QEG extension tips  [Earth diameter - 26th Octave down]
11.973 inches      ~ 12"  Within .027"   Diameter of the QEG outer circle  [Earth diameter - 27th Octave]
8.98 " Within .02 of the QEG inner circle of the outer core at 9".  [Earth diameter - 27th Octave down]
6.054" Within .054 of the QEG inner rotor hole [Phi ratio Earth Diameter - 28th Octave]  [Hendershot Reference]
1.49668"  Within  .0033 inch of the base dimension of the core ring at 1.5" [1.5" Lies on an F between pi/2 and phi ratios]

Spreadsheets [Related .ods files for OpenOffice.Org]

All Harmonics Spreadsheet

Joe Cell 333000 Harmonics

Dual Cones Chromatic Scale

QEG Physical Inch Reference

QEG Physical cm Reference

WITTS Theoretical Reference

Right click and "save target as" to your computer.
Load with "OpenOffice.org" program.

More QEG References

QEG Reference Page

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