Nano Coating Experiments - Water Charger Device
12 - 22 - 2015
Dave L
Experimenting with a 1"
diameter copper tube tonight, of random length, 16 inches long. No
notable vibration from the tube at the start.
Copper is cleaned using fine steel wool and Brasso, then hand cleaner and water to get a smooth and clean bright shine.
On the right showing the tube still shines after several nano coats.
I heated the tube from left end slowly to right end to bring the temperature up on the whole tube as constant as possible.
I did this process several times until it went a shinny silvery color
then a light green. Propane was hot enough to get that color.
I had to repeat the process after turning the tube over one time on each coat.
Each time as the tube first began to cool, but was still very hot, I tapped with an ohm
meter end to end of the tube to draw a little current through it as it
cooled, shown on the right.
I discovered after the first heating, as the nano layer formed, I had to give the tube 3 taps to get the strongest field.
On the second heating and all that followed the new layers required 5 taps for the strongest field.
Leave the tube then to finish cooling and the radiant field is now
locked into the tube and cannot be disturbed with further electrical or
magnetic activity.
This is an advantage over Joe Cell tubes where the water layer can always become disturbed and the field can crash.
Next I measured the intense vibration coming off the nano coating
layer with the copper under it using the SS caliper technique.
Mass Vibration Science - Caliper Technique
From my notes:
1x = 2.64 mm
8x = 21.12 mm
Prime multiples
47px = 124.08 mm
53px = 139.92 mm [Dual 1" and 1/2" tubes separated with rubber hose washers]
Designing now a new tube length to resonate with the nano layers natural frequency of 2.64 kHz.
By using a prime number multiplier the root frequency is preserved on the whole length of the tube.
Then we want to construct a dual layered copper tube system with concentric geometry like a Joe Cell uses.
Water Charger Construction
1/2 inch copper pipe for inner tubes
1 inch copper pipe for outer tubes
139.92 mm in length for nano layer resonance amplification
Tubes are cleaned, then shined up for nano coating process.
Heating and Programming The Tubes
On the smaller tubes it was harder to control the heating. The
first set went dark black. The nano layering however worked just fine
with the heavier layering and the same number of voltage taps resulted
in the same radiant field strengths.
In the photo to the right, I mastered turning the tube more uniformly
golden or brass colored with less thickness to each layer. The field on
these is just as strong, so I stopped without taking them totally black.
The color that results is a function of the thickness of the coating
process. Go slowly so the layering becomes very hardened and should not
flake off at all after it has cooled. If you do not heat the metal up
enough the layering will flake off.
If the metal oxidized the surrounding air, from its own heat, then
the coating will become very strong. A true carbon nano layer should be
very strong.
Ohmmeter Taps
Ohmmeter - 3 taps on first coat - 5 taps after each successive
coat. Make sure the pipe totally cools between coats. I waited over
night on each successive coat, and did this three times on each tube.
Always keep the ohmmeter polarized the same direction when doing
the polarization injection process. I used red wire to the right, black
wire to the left touching each end of the tube with alligator clips.
The clips insulation near the tips, melted a couple times, so it might
be a good idea to add a copper wire off the end of the clips.
Touch the left wire on constantly, and then tap the right end of the
tube x number of times, then feel the radiant field come up.
If you do more taps, the tension of the field will stair step around again, when you hit the strongest one stop.
Mounting the Tubes Together Concentrically
There are two different ways to mount the tubes. Remember when the
tubes were programmed with the ohmmeter we kept the red lead to the
If you place both of the same ends up, the tension will be stronger on the field.
If you reverse one tube the tension will be less off the sides, but off
the ends of the tube you can both take and return energy you do not
use, to use as a "pain pen".
I found that either way will charge up water, but the reversed configuration is gentler.
I first attempted to use the standard spacer technique, with electrical
tape winds to snugly fit between the tubes. This technique centers the
inner tube very precisely.
I was surprised, due to the intense mass vibration on these resonant
elements, the tape spewed off crawling up the tube, faster then I could
finish wrapping them.
The photo above shows what happened within minutes of winding the
tape spacers on the inner tube. I could see it move, so decided to make
a video to share this effect, see below.
The solution was to use rubber hose washer seals instead for spacers.
This youtube video, is me mounting the tubes together, and using them to charge a bottle of water.